Let's face it, everyone loves a great photo booth. That's why we're all in the business, right? But we also recognize there are two very distinct ends of the spectrum in terms of pricing your services. While we understand there are preferences for different areas of the market, we want to help you put more money in your pockets by creating more value for your clients and therefore having a larger bottom line in your take home amount.
We want everyone to be successful. Therefore, by providing a solution to help make that happen is our top priority. As photo booth owners and operators, we understand both you and your clients' needs. A fabulous and luxurious backdrop is just as important as having high quality photos and props for your clients. After all, your backdrop is in all of your photos! That is why we created Luxe Drops, to provide high quality and luxury backdrops to help elevate your brand to being more high end.
By combining high quality photos with our luxury and premium backdrops, your clients will surely voice that they made the right decision with hiring your photo booth company, which equals more referrals for free marketing and more booked clients. What can beat that?
Be the leader in providing the best premium photo booth service in your local area. But it starts with having premium backdrops that stand apart from the competition. Be certain to WOW your clients with our backdrops and watch the money roll in!